Melody Guini
Artist Melody Guini is passioned by the island of Maui, her brush strokes laden with a call to delve deep into the stories these islands preserve in each valley, forest and bay.
Melody uses art to rescue the authenticity that remains within the 'āina as a contribution to keeping legacies alive. Her paintings usually portray a representation of local figurative elements, suggesting a message in combination with the abstract surrounding which speaks on its own.Her inspiration is sourced primarily from the underwater world. These works derive from textures, colors and behaviors observed beneath. There’s not a day she misses a splash in the ocean or stream, “it’s the best way to stay connected with the mana!”
~ I think in life, we choose whether we just want to see the surface of things or if we’re curious enough to dive deep. I love that there is so much freedom in the art world to play around that! ~